Waymo Opening a Michigan Factory To Build Self-Driving Vehicles

It’s being said again and again that self-driven cars are the next big thing in the transportation zone. Lot of big dogs in the industry are performing regular tests to observe the progress. Although the results so far are nowhere near the mark of perfection, the promising claims regarding the technology are still firm in place. Waymo is one of the corporations who are working to make self-driven cars viable for the public. Having decided to take one step further, Waymo is planning to set up a production house in Southeast Michigan. It is alleged to be the first ever factory to have pledged to base their every operation on L4 autonomous vehicles.

The Michigan Economic Development Corporation, an agency responsible for job growth in the area, has approved Waymo’s plans. Michigan,Known for its once busting automotive industry and cold winters make an ideal place for the company to test its cars in extreme conditions.

The move is inspired by the need of expansion; hence the scaling up of the progress leading to automated vehicles will be imminent. Furthermore, everything that will go in should prove to be substantial. The project is expected to create hundreds of local jobs around the point of production. Leaving no stone unturned to squeeze the best out of their project; the people in-charge will shell out a massive sum to accommodate the needs of extensive land, high-powered computers, laser, radar, cameras, and interior display panels, and passenger amenities.

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